This is a collection of video vignettes produced by Robertson Library staff, highlighting individual experiences and memories of UPEI.
Ronald Baker
First President of the University of Prince Edward Island.
Steve Bellamy
Graduate of UPEI Music Program. Current CEO of the Confederation Centre of the Arts.
Emmanuel Bizimana
Current (2019-2020) UPEI student from Malawi. Member of WUSC (World University Services Canada).
Alf Blanchard
UPEI Graduate (1987) and former Alumni Manager at UPEI. Blanchard Hall is named after Alf's ancestor, J.Henri Blanchard.
Olive Bryanton
UPEI graduate 1984 (BA). PhD completed in 2019 and honourary degree recipient. Founder and President of MAPUS (1982).
Julie Bull
BA (2006), Masters of Applied Health Services (2009) from UPEI; PhD from UNB. The former director of the Mawiomi Centre at UPEI.
David Cairns
Former director of Computer Services. UPEI employee for 31 years, retiring in 2012.
Tim Chaisson
Psychology graduate. Member of the band: The East Pointers and a Juno Award winner.
Leo Cheverie
UPEI graduate, BA (1984) and long time Robertson Library staff member. Staff advisor to UPEI WUSC Local Committee; Honorary Student Union member; Past President of the PEI Federation of Labour and Past President of CUPE 1870. Leo was the winner of the WUSC Alumni Award in 2007.
Gordon Cobb
UPEI Arts graduate (1986). Commonwealth Scholar. Former President of UPEISU. Actor.
Ron Collins
Previous Professor (1975-2010) and Dean of Business at UPEI (1990-1996), and member of the UPEI Senate. Also a member of a number of management teams for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).
Inge Dorsey
UPEI Graduate with a BA in Political Studies (1987). Currently lectures at UPEI (University Studies) and is the Coordinator of UPEI's Bachelor of Integrated Studies.
Emma Drake
2019-2020 UPEI Student Union President & Political Science Student.
Lawson Drake
Retired Biology Faculty (Professor at PWC & UPEI). First Chair of the Biology Department. Former Dean of Science.
Regis Duffy
Previous professor at both SDU & UPEI. 1st dean of Science at UPEI. Former Chair of UPEI Board of Governors. UPEI benefactor. Entrepreneur & founder of Diagnostic Chemicals Company in Charlottetown.
Elizabeth Rollins Epperly
The first student enrolled at UPEI. Later, English Literature Professor and the first female President of UPEI. L.M. Montgomery Scholar and founder of the LMMInstitute. (Photos from Nexus Yearbooks and "Power Notes" cover photo by Jessica Brookes-Parkhill).
Lennie Gallant
UPEI graduate. Distinguished alumni award winner. Honorary PhD. Canadian singer/songwriter winner of Juno awards and ECMAs. Acadian cultural icon.
Mel Gallant
Atlantic Veterinary College employee (Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance) since 1984, making him a founding member of administration at AVC. Retired in 2007. Recipient of the Eugene Whelan Green Hat Award winner (2010).
Cathy Gillan
University of Prince Edward Island graduate (1979). First Alumni Officer at UPEI; director of Work Integrated Learning & The English Language Centre. Retired in February 2020.
Jim Hancock
First director of Computer Services at UPEI. Registered first IP address in Canada (for UPEI).
Rick Hancox
Graduated in 1970 (BA in English) as part of the first Graduating class of UPEI. Rick is a Canadian filmmaker and currently an associate professor Communication Studies at Concordia University.
Rosemary Herbert
Founding member of the Faculty of Nursing and Former Dean of Nursing. Former Acting Vice President Academic.
Fred Hyndman
Original member of the University and College Planning Committee. Former Chair of the UPEI Board of Governors. Philanthropist, businessman and leading fundraiser for UPEI.
John and Bea Keaveny
UPEI graduates. John was the first SU President of UPEI. First couple married on Campus.
Sister Sue Kidd
Chaplain at the University of Prince Edward Island since 2010. Sue is a Sister of the Congregation of Notre Dame.
Dora Li
UPEI (Foods & Nutrition) International Student (China). Graduated in the 50th Anniversary year, December 2019.
Simon Lloyd
University of Prince Edward Island Archivist, 1999-present.
Heather Love
Thirty years as General Manager of the UPEI Student Union (starting in 1982). Advocate for the new Student Union building.
Ed MacDonald
UPEI graduate. History Faculty member. Distinguished alumni award winner. Completed PhD on History of Saint Dunstan's University
Alan MacEachern
UPEI Graduate in History. Faculty member at Western University. Author of "Utopian U.", a book about the formation of UPEI.
Don MacEwan
Long time Faculty of Engineering Professor. Chair of Engineering.
Wade MacLauchlan
UPEI BBA graduate. Former Dean of Faculty of Law at University of New Brunswick. UPEI President from 1999-2011. 32nd Premier of Prince Edward Island.
Debbie MacLellan
Faculty member of Food and Nutritional Studies. Former Dean of Science. Co-chaired strategic plan for UPEI.
Lori Mayne
UPEI graduate with an Honours in History. Former journalist. Sessional instructor, researcher, and writer at UPEI.
Peter Meincke
Second President of the University of Prince Edward Island from 1978-1985
Jean Mitchell
Faculty member in the Sociology and Anthropology department. UPEI graduate. Anthropologist who worked in the South Pacific and a published scholar.
Michael Mooney
Student during the transition from St. Dunstan's to UPEI starting in 1968. Musician and student athlete. Graduated in 2011, forty-three years after his initial start date.
Louise Mould
UPEI Graduate and early member of the Cadre (student newspaper) team. Previous Robertson Library staff member and local artist.
Nouhad Mourad
UPEI Anthtopology/Social Justice Studies graduate. Currently an International Student Advisor at UPEI.
Christina Murray
UPEI graduate. Faculty of Nursing member. Award winning researcher -- Vanier award winner.
Marie Antoinette Pangan
UPEI Nursing graduate; Valedictorian for Nursing 2019.
Louise Polland
UPEI graduate (1977) and UPEI Seniors College member.
Scott Pound
English graduate of UPEI. Faculty member at Lakehead University.
Dana Sanderson
Received a BBA from UPEI in 1984; now the Chief Information Officer at UPEI.
Vianne Timmons
Former Faculty member and Dean of Education, as well as VP Academic. Former President of URegina and current President and Vice Chancellor of Memorial University (as of 1 April 2020). Member of the Order of Canada.
John Vanleeuwen
AVC Faculty member and former Chair of Farmers Helping Farmers.
Jerry Wang
Director of Recruitment and Advisement at UPEI.
Wendy Weeks
UPEI Engineering graduate and now works in UPEI's ITSS department as the Business Process and Technology Change Manager
Bill Whelan
UPEI physics graduate (1984-1988), Returned to UPEI in 2008 as Faculty member: Professor of Physics & Chair of Physics Department. Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Biomedical Optics.